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Welcome To A-transformed Community

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Submit your Weigh In Info Below

A-Transformed Challenge Guidelines

  1. Get 30% money Back.If you don't Lose at least 20lbs or 4% bodyFat during the A-transformed BootCamp
  2. You must begin Challegen within 5 days of Purchase
  3. Challenge Begins as soon as you submit your Weigh In
  4. Tag A-transformed in at least 15 Social Media Posts; such as stories,posts or statuses
  5. Upload pictures of your Groceries every week in our Instagram or Facebook groups
  6. Don't Cheat. Make Sure you follow your Meal and workout plans
  7. Submit your WeighOut pictures after the 49 days

The Common 3-Phase Nutriton plan Chart Explained

The above image shows basic principles of using the color coding carts and minor calculations in the pie charts. Any plan you choose, follows these same principles.

It is very important not to Cheat on your Nutrition plan in the first 2 Weeks

  • 3 Phase Meal Plan
  • OMAD Meal Plan
  • Keto Meal Plan
  • Intermittent Fasting Meal Plan
  • Vegan Meal Plan
  • Vegetarian Meal Plan

Training your Mind to be Consistent

Discpline and mindset-training are ongoing practices that require Consistency and self-awareness. Below are tips on How to achieve just that.

Mind Set Training

  1. Set Clear Goals: since you're already here, I will assume your goal is to reduce body fat. Always remember this goal will be achieved in 49 days if you don't cheat and just keep couting down
  2. Establish a Routine: We need you to only workout 3 days a week and striclty follow your Meal Plan everyday. Find those 3 days out of the week and stick to them, try hard not to switch them throughout the Challenge
  3. Plan Ahead and Stay Organized: Before you start make sure you have everything you need. Such as proteinn powder or shake, bottle,workout gear. Always meal prep for the week on the Weekend !!
  4. Practice Self-Discipline: A-transformed will not hold your hand and stop you from having that juicy Burger but you have to develop a habit of self-control and avoid certain temptations
  5. Stay Positive: Focus on the progress your body is having and cut out all the outside Noise. That is why we recommend posting atleast one progress picture in the A-transformed group once every week
  6. Visualize your Fitness Success: Think about that time after the 49 days and you have lost 20lbs, 5% body fat, acquired stronger muslces, and are equipped with several workout and meal plans
  7. Find Your Why: Why do you want to lose this body Fat? Why Do you want to improve you health and fitness? The Why is personal, But find it and always revisit it to be motivated
  8. Surround Yourself with Support: A-transformed trainers and community are here to support you throughout every week. Post questions in the A-transfomred group, email your assigned trainer and grow your support system. A family support system can keep your accountatble and motivated
  9. Embrace the A-transformed Challenge: This Challenge is an opportunity for your fitness growth. I want you to view it as a stepping stone rather than a Challenge. Embrace discomfort and push out of your comfort zone during workouts, this will build resilience and confidence

A-Transformed Challenge Workout-Plans Week 1

You will have 3 Workouts every week. As assigned below. All these different workouts aim for different purposes, make sure you're following them as directed, you can switch their order out as preferred

Video On How To Do Your Workouts

Your Workout Schedule

  1. Cardio Acceleration Workout

  2. Full Body Workout

  3. Metabolic Conditioning Workout

A-Transformed Workout Plans Week 2

How To Do Your Workouts

  1. Cardio Acceleration Workout

  2. Full Body Workout

  3. Metabolic Conditioning Workout

A-Transformed Nutrition Plans Week 2

Enjoying Phase 1 Yet of your 3 Phase Meal Plan?

  • 3 Phase Meal Plan
  • OMAD Meal Plan
  • Keto Meal Plan
  • Intermittent Fasting Meal Plan
  • Vegan Meal Plan
  • Vegetarian Meal Plan

A-Transformed In-Home workout plans coming Soon !!

A-transformed Workout plans - Week 3

Importance of Progressive Overload

  1. Cardio Acceleration Workout

  2. Full Body Workout

  3. Metabolic Conditioning Workout

A-transformed Workout plans - Week 4

Importance of Progressive Overload

  1. Cardio Acceleration Workout

  2. Full Body Workout

  3. Metabolic Conditioning Workout

A-transformed Workout plans - Week 5

Importance of Progressive Overload

  1. Cardio Acceleration Workout

  2. Full Body Workout

  3. Metabolic Conditioning Workout

A-transformed Workout plans - Week 6

Importance of Progressive Overload

  1. Cardio Acceleration Workout

  2. Full Body Workout

  3. Metabolic Conditioning Workout

A-transformed Workout plans - Week 7

Importance of Progressive Overload

  1. Cardio Acceleration Workout

  2. Full Body Workout

  3. Metabolic Conditioning Workout

A-transformed Nutrition Plans - Week 3

What is your Source of Energy and Why is it Important?

Meal Plan Phase 2 Summary

  • 3 Phase Meal Plan
  • OMAD Meal Plan
  • Keto Meal Plan
  • Intermittent Fasting Meal Plan
  • Vegan Meal Plan
  • Vegetarian Meal Plan

A-transformed Nutrition Plans - Week 4

Calories and Macros ? What are They ?

Meal Plan Phase 2 Summary

  • 3 Phase Meal Plan
  • OMAD Meal Plan
  • Keto Meal Plan
  • Intermittent Fasting Meal Plan
  • Vegan Meal Plan
  • Vegetarian Meal Plan

A-transformed Nutrition Plans - Week 5

What is your Source of Energy and Why is it Important?

Meal Plan Phase 2 Summary

  • 3 Phase Meal Plan
  • OMAD Meal Plan
  • Keto Meal Plan
  • Intermittent Fasting Meal Plan
  • Vegan Meal Plan
  • Vegetarian Meal Plan

A-transformed Nutrition Plans - Week 6

Calories and Macros ? What are They ?

Meal Plan Phase 2 Summary

  • 3 Phase Meal Plan
  • OMAD Meal Plan
  • Keto Meal Plan
  • Intermittent Fasting Meal Plan
  • Vegan Meal Plan
  • Vegetarian Meal Plan

A-transformed Nutrition Plans - Week 7

Calories and Macros ? What are They ?

Meal Plan Phase 2 Summary

  • 3 Phase Meal Plan
  • OMAD Meal Plan
  • Keto Meal Plan
  • Intermittent Fasting Meal Plan
  • Vegan Meal Plan
  • Vegetarian Meal Plan